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Everything posted by Brett

  1. Welcome to the site James. Hope to see further posts
  2. Popped into tesco earlier for the missus to tell me that a lady (if that term is even appropriate) I'm a bright neon pink dress had walked across the road to the social club and presented some flowers from one of the boxes to her friend. I'm sure her friend appreciated the sentiment but failed to realise how much of a Richard her mate was.
  3. I do hope you have liked the Bedlington.co.uk page on Facebook Eggy
  4. I already shared the image via Giles Evans on Twitter and Facebook.
  5. Pictures from the Bedlington in Bloom Facebook page
  6. An assumption it's a woman Malcolm?
  7. Turns out the church didn't participate.
  8. Check out @Bedlingtoncouk's Tweet: https://twitter.com/Bedlingtoncouk/status/490447387455135744
  9. Don't say anything or they will put Ashington in and leave us out.
  10. Variation of approved plans from planning approval 07/00408/FUL Planning Reference: 14/02054/VARYCO I'm not sure what the differences are as I have not yet looked at the original application. Original Planning Reference: 07/00408/FUL
  11. Shared this on Bedlington.co.uk Twitter and Facebook
  12. https://m.facebook.com/bedlingtoninbloom
  13. http://www.newspostleader.co.uk/news/local/county-in-running-for-top-award-1-6723986 Get voting people.
  14. Yes Eggy they have, You can see the old shop front down the alleyway in the picture I posted. Not sure why. Definitely looks better than before when it had those metal cages up at the window.
  15. http://www.northumberlandsport.co.uk/news.aspx?id=6574 Would this be of interest to anyone? Malcolm? DT?
  16. Proposed change of use from shop (A1) to hot food takeaway (A5 Planning Reference: 14/01192/FUL Planning application or attached documents don't list which kind of hot food takeaway this is going to be.
  17. Installation of 1 no. non-illuminated Projecting sign and 1 no. non-illuminated fascia sign Planning Reference: 14/01840/ADE
  18. This came to my attention this morning and seems to be another Digital Economy Bill esque debate (or non-debate) http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2014/jun/23/small-print-public-land-infrastructure-bill-lords-uk Selling off public land to private companies removing all debate for public rights of way? After the U-turn made on selling off publicly owned forests I'm not surprised at how under the radar this is. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/queens-speech-controversial-infrastructure-bill-will-allow-fracking-companies-to-drill-under-homes-without-owners-permission-9489230.html Could also open the door to less strict fracking opportunities on public (soon to be private) land. Thoughts?
  19. You can also move the pin to the rough location, then zoom in and re-adjust the pin location. It only registers the pin location once you click submit.
  20. The idea is to get through as many questions as possible until you run out of miles. Got gold on my first go which was 15 questions
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