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Mr Stitch

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Everything posted by Mr Stitch

  1. As you may have read in my thread about our troubles finding rental properties a couple of years ago, we kept being turned away by landlords because we have 2 disabled children and therefore are not in full time employment. We are full time carers, and still feel that there was a lot of discrimination involved in the decisions made to turn us away. I am happy to announce that we have been settled in our house since then, and have had zero problems with the landlord. A S Moon helped us on the spot. They understood our problem and bent over backwards to get us into our home. They have been incredibly professional in the handling of any issues that we have had, and I would recommend them to anyone who is struggling with a similar situation.
  2. A bit of both really. Without the determination, we'd have got nothing. But A S Moon on the Front Street were incredibly helpful, and did a lot of work to get us where we are now.
  3. Sorry it's been so long since I posted last, but we've had a hectic couple of years. We got into a house and we are now settled, bairn's are in school and my little girl turns 2 this May. All is going well and we're glad that we have found an understanding landlord. I will be posting more frequently now that things have settled
  4. We have contacted lots of agencies and do have people helping us look. The problem seems to only show itself when the landlords/landladies are informed of our situation. The agencies and estate agents are very understanding, and they have our utmost gratitude for the effort that they put in.
  5. We are currently desperate for a bigger property, since we have a new baby on the way in May. So far we have found it a nightmare. Landlords/landladies keep turning us away because we're "not in full time employment". We are infact full time carers for our 2 disabled children. Despite knowing this fact, we keep getting turned away. They like to use the excuse that the mortgage won't allow dss tenants. We happen to know that this is not true, and is purely an excuse. Here's the confusing bit. Someone who is employed could lose their job tomorrow, and not be able to afford the rent. Our kids are not going to stop being disabled, and the benefits are not going to stop. So it logically cannot be a decision based on financial security. It leaves me to believe that it is pure discrimination. Sorry for my first post to be an angry rant, but I feel the need to spread the awareness that this is happening in Bedlington. Greetings everybody, by the way
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