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  1. I've been doing a bit of research on the Mechanics Institute and I'm currently reading a long dissertation some guy did for his Doctorate years ago on the history of Mech Insts. Ours, the one next to the Sun Inn took over the old courthouse and klink there and it was sponsored by the Bedlington Iron Works. I've got more details noted in my study but I ain't there at the moment so can't give dates. I'll try to do a summary and post it so we have some facts listed. The formation of Mech Insts was interesting national Victorian movement ... but more later.
    1 point
  2. Nope - never thick young lady. The text is just based on the old jokes that would start with - An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman go into a bar and the Englisman says.......................... - that's nowt (just for Bill) says the Irishman .............................. - well that's nowt says the Scotsman .................................... Now they don't brag or tell tales etc etc they just moan at Trump. It's this Lockdown, I'm getting me days mixed up
    1 point
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