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Showing content with the highest reputation on 24/02/18 in all areas

  1. Well we cant upset the snowflakes and the ethnic minority can we......They'd cancel Easter & Christmas given half a chance
    1 point
  2. Moe: My guess - and it's simply a guess - that Merc's position on a lot of things is the same as the much of today's extreme left (and indeed what little there is of today's extreme right) that My enemy's enemy is my friend, and that's why he supports Islam and really wants to treat it like any other religion. But.. he tells us we can't "pigeonhole" him as a leftie, yet he walks like a Corbynista leftie and quacks like a Corbynista leftie, and tells us he's proud to hold left wing views. That's why I am very interested in "his answers". Corbyn's new kind of politics seems rather like an old kind of politics to me; but as you can't get any sort of rational discussion with a Corbynista (hello Mr Lavery!) I was rather hoping he could pretend he's one for the purposes of debate. Lots of local people will be voting for Corbyn and McDonnell in future it seems, so think of explaining their mysterious policies to these voters as a public service.
    1 point
  3. I'm enjoying the banter but thought this was rather funny!
    1 point
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