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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/09/17 in all areas

  1. A fairly predictable list of traditional non-Blairite, non-Marxist socialists who feel they are there to serve the needs of their constituents and their country. Quite unlike our own self-serving idiot who will go along with international capitalist liberals or screaming marxist loonies, according to the direction of the wind - in fact anything but the place and people foolishly funding his lifestyle. Wake up Wansbeck - you are living in the 21st Century now. Lavery is cruel joke, and Wansbeck voters are the butt of that joke.
    2 points
  2. I bet you did not see one of those posh expensive looking green signs pointing out public toilets Pilgrim,
    2 points
  3. I was in the parish today and noticed there are many and varied signs of the green variety pointing places of import.. can I ask why they are, for example, police station 230 m and market place 120 m -- is that miles?? or some Johnny foreigner thingy ,we may have to be aware of cross contamination from .............dare I say hitlers highway (herself was most amused when I said that was what it was called -- or used to be) but lets have some standardisation - ok the younger ones are all metric but the UK standard is IMPERIAL (I always think IMPERIAL deserves caps - as Q Victoria always wore a cap..) ok - I got out today and the big world was confusing .................
    2 points
  4. The 'rebels' who defied Jeremy Corbyn and backed the EU Withdrawal Bill tonight Dennis Skinner Ronnie Campbell Frank Field Kate Hoey Kelvin Hopkins John Mann Graham Stringer
    1 point
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