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Showing content with the highest reputation on 21/11/09 in all areas

  1. It will soon be possible to get your very own yourname@bedlington.co.uk email address with online access to send and receive from anywhere in the world. There will be three ways to obtain one. Earn an online reputation on bedlington.co.uk of 50 points or more.Pay £5 for five years access.Demonstrate a personal community effort to help the town. For those of you not familiar with the reputation system here on bedlington.co.uk, each post has a icon in the bottom right hand corner. If you're a registered member and you like the post, clicking this icon will give the user that wrote it one reputation point. To maintain the standing of the town, members with active moderator warnings do not qualify for address allocation. Though, once granted only a total ban from the site by a vote of all moderators will result in cancellation of an address. @bedlington.co.uk mail is entirely independent of your Internet Service Provider, you can change ISP to take advantage of better deals available from time to time without worrying about having to change your e-mail address. Addresses are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. The administrator reserves the right to reject abusive or improper registration requests without further explanation. The service is offered on an as-is basis, though every effort will be made to ensure reliability and stability of service.
    1 point
  2. I remember it, although i also remember thinking you'd need a motorbike to use it properly!!! I hope the new park is along the lines of the one at cramlington, with a propper bowl for the skateboarders too! Any plans posted anywhere to look at?
    1 point
  3. We bought our coke from Straughan (sp?) on Station Road Stannington - which is perhaps nearer. Though the last time I was there was well over ten years ago. Is James on West Sleekburn Industrial Estate now CPL? Used to go there too, but I got upset about the number of damaged plastic sacks and the resulting mess in the back of the car. Tip: refuse anything with any kind of hole as the plastic isn't at all strong and will split. Keenleysides will probably have the small sacks of smokeless to get you started. Phone number on site here. Let everone know how you get on and where you get the best service/deal please.
    1 point
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