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Mr Darn

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well, where do i start....

me and miss darn have been seriously thinking of moving in together (yeah yeah, ok, calm down...)

i have a full time job, she has 2 young children, one under 3.

the under 3 goes to Bedlington Bears (thats another £20 commission please!!) from 9-11.30

we went to see her advisor; this was her advice:

1, we should move in together without delay.

2, i should give up my full time job, as i would get more from working families tax credits if i only worked 16 hours a week instead of the 50 hours nightshift i do now.

she went on to tell us about all the free dental care, prescriptions etc i would then be entitled to, as well as the free childcare if Miss Darn was to work 16 hours too.

I for one find it disgusting that i am actually better off claiming benifit than working a 50 hour nightshift week.

i am also disgusted that an official would advise me to do this.

all in all, whoever the person was that 'grassed' us in to the council, has just cost the council more in benifit payments than could ever be accounted for during the 5 nights (well days) i sleep in miss darns bed, while she claims for a single person with 2 children in a 3 bed house...

it sickens me that we now live in a society that does not allow a man to go out and earn the bread and butter for his family, but encourages them to take state handouts to be 'better off'

any views?

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If you're moving into a house with a woman and two small children, I think you'll find you're "better off" getting out of there for fifty hours a week at work.

Hope this helps.

And bear in mind once you move in you can kiss goodbye to your sex life.

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